International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
S5 Slovenian Karst NFO Network DOI
XH (2012-2013) Small aperture array for observing a slow slip event on Kilauea volcano.
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States of America
X8 (2018-2030) SMARTIE
9P (2019-2020) SMARTnet: Armutlu Near Fault Monitoring DOI
8H (2021-2025) SMART Prototytpe DOI
7F (2021-2026) Snow Avalanche Seismic Monitoring around Sibilla Mount (Central Italy) DOI
5R (2023-2023) SO297-land
Z7 (2023-2023) SO297-land: Onshore extension of the 2023 RV SO297 eperiment between Copiapó and Taltal, Chile.
  • GEOMAR, Germany
YN (2005-2007) Socorro Magma Body BB Experiment
YX (2009-2009) Socorro Swarm 2009 RAMP
  • New Mexico Tech, United States of America
7K (2007-2008) SOC - Southern Craton
YQ (2012-2012) Soda Lake DOE, Development of a low cost method to estimate the seismic signature of a geothermal field from ambient seismic noise analysis
7L (2019-2019) Soil Soundscape from Seismic Arrays at Golden Gate (Tennessee Valley): GPR extension
  • IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
Z9 (2018-2020) Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays
  • UC San Diego, United States of America
ZL (2020-2021) Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays: Controlled Worms with Acoustic Recorders
  • U.C. San Diego
1P (2018-2021) Solid Earth response of the Patagonia Andes to post-Little Ice Age glacial retreat
  • Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL), United States of America
SW Solomon Islands Seismology & Volcanology Network
  • Solomon Islands Geoscience Observatory (Seismology Unit), Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
XB (1985-1985) Son of BOSE Oblique Seismic Experiment
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), United States of America
2A (2017-2019) Sorsdal_Glacier_17-18
XS (2003-2003) Source Phenomenology Experiments in Arizona
1L (2016-2016) Source Physics Experiment 5
  • Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS), United States of America
1K (2016-2016) Source Physics Experiment 6
  • Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS), United States of America
1M (2016-2016) Source Physics Experiment Phase 1 Large-N Array
  • Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS), United States of America
Z9 (2016-2017) Sources of unrest at MOmotombo and MAsaya Volcanoes in NICaragua – MOMANIC Project
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland
SQ South African National Seismograph Network
  • Council for Geoscience, Geological Survey (CG), South Africa
YG (1999-2004) South Bay Seismic Array
SP South Carolina Earth Physics Project
  • University of South Carolina, United States of America
CO South Carolina Seismic Network
  • University of South Carolina, United States of America
YD (2009-2011) South Carpathian Project
SE Southeastern Appalachian Cooperative Seismic Network
  • None,
Z9 (2010-2014) Southeastern Suture of the Appalachian Margin Experiment
  • Brown University, United States of America
ZM (2001-2002) Southeast Indian Ridge, EW-0114
  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (LDEO), United States of America
A1 Southern African Co-located Academic Network
  • Pangaea Geophyics and Geodesy Working Group, South Africa
South Africa
ZE (2015-2017) Southern Alaska Lithosphere and Mantle Observation Network
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
ZX (2021-2023) Southern Alps Long Skinny Array; Along-fault array for virtual earthquake analysis of the Alpine Fault
  • Victoria University
9K (2021-2030) Southern Alps Microearthquake Borehole Array
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
9F (2008-2020) Southern Alps Microearthquake Borehole Array - part 2
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
YP (2001-2003) Southern Apennines Tomography Experiment Italy
CI Southern California Seismic Network
SN Southern Great Basin Network
ZV (2014-2015) Southern Lake Tanganyika experiment
  • University of Southampton, United Kingdom
3B (2021-2022) Southern Menthodist University
  • Southern Methodist University (SMU), United States of America
3A (2007-2007) Southern Okalahoma Aulcaogen 3-D test, Spears Ranch Seismic Experiment Survey
7R (2018-2019) Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen MT Survey
  • University of Alberta, Canada
1E (2013-2014) Southern Queensland Spiral Array - 2013-2015 ARC Discovery Grant DP130101473
YA (2020-2020) Southern San Andreas Fault Zone
  • University of California San Diego
IG Southern Spain Broadband Seismic Network Spain
5F (2008-2008) South Iceland Seismic Zone 2008
  • University of Iceland, Iceland
2B (2023-2024) South Island Seismology at the Speed of Light Experiment DOI
6L (2006-2017) South Korea Seismic and Infrasound data from North Korea Nuclear Tests
  • Southern Methodist University (SMU), United States of America

Network Data API

The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.