The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.
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Network Code | Network Name | Operated By | Deployment | DOI |
Y3 (2007-2007) | Studies of crust and upper mantle structure, mantle flow and geodynamics of the Chile Ridge subduction zone |
DOI | |
Y3 (2008-2008) | Wells, Nevada Aftershock Recording |
DOI | |
Y3 (2009-2010) | Collaborative Research: Constraining Mantle Rheology, Mantle Flow, and Crust/Mantle coupling Beneath New Zealand |
DOI | |
Y3 (2011-2011) | Cornell-USGS Virgina Aftershock iMaging exPeriment |
DOI | |
Y3 (2012-2012) | Vaughn-Lewis Icefall Seismicity Project |
DOI | |
Y3 (2013-2014) | SEIS-UK instrument type noise study |
United Kingdom | DOI |
Y3 (2017-2018) | Delaware 2017 Aftershock Study | DOI | ||
Y3 (2019-2028) | ACACOAST | DOI | ||
Y4 (2004-2007) | W-ALPS 2004-2007 temporary experiment | DOI | ||
Y4 (2008-2009) | Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory |
DOI | |
Y4 (2010-2011) | Eastern Mediterranean Seismic | DOI | ||
Y4 (2013-2013) | Brazilian Temporary Seismographic Experiments |
— | |
Y4 (2014-2015) | Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment, 2014-2015 |
DOI | |
Y4 (2016-2016) | Napa Seismic Investigation 2016 |
DOI | |
Y4 (2017-2019) | DanSeis infrastructure installation project Southern Scandinavia |
— | |
Y4 (2020-2022) | Villarrica_2020 | — | DOI | |
Y4 (2023-2023) | Graz Inner City Global DAS '23 Experiment | — | DOI | |
Y4 (2024-2027) | MZSCF Seismic Network in Campi Flegrei, Italy | — | — | |
Y5 (2006-2018) | Canadian Rockies and Alberta Network |
— | |
Y5 (2019-2020) | North Bay Seismic Experiment (con't from YK 2003-2018) |
United States of America | DOI |
Y5 (2021-2021) | Valles Caldera and Gallina Fault Node Array 2021 |
DOI | |
Y5 (2022-2026) | Swiss Contribution to AdriaArray Temporary Network |
— | DOI |
Y6 (2006-2012) | Behavior of supraglacial lakes and their role in outlet glacier dynamics and mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet | DOI | ||
Y6 (2013-2015) | QM-III-UK |
— | |
Y6 (2016-2017) | Rift valley volcanism past present and future |
DOI | |
Y6 (2018-2018) | Yellowstone Lake Microseism 2018 | DOI | ||
Y6 (2019-2019) | Community, Arts, and Environmental Setting of Fly Geyser, Nevada | DOI | ||
Y6 (2020-2022) | Anillo |
— | DOI |
Y6 (2023-2026) | CAREER: A comprehensive seismic investigation to the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the South Pole, East Antarctica |
DOI | |
Y7 (2007-2008) | Seismic Experiment Active Caribbean Andesitic Lava Island Perscison Seismio-Geodetic Observatory |
DOI | |
Y7 (2009-2010) | Geothermal Exploration Arkansas Valley, Mt. Princeton Geothermal System | DOI | ||
Y7 (2011-2012) | Deep OCean Test ARray experiment |
— | |
Y7 (2016-2019) | Acquisition of aftershock sequence of the 2016 M5.6 Sooner Lake Earthquake |
DOI | |
Y7 (2020-2021) | DARE: Dense ARray for seismic site effect Estimation | — | DOI | |
Y7 (2022-2024) | Temporary Deployment for DemoUpStorage, Helguvik, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland |
— | DOI |
Y8 (2007-2007) | MDS-AKA Kirkland and MDS |
— | |
Y8 (2008-2008) | New England Damage Experiment | DOI | ||
Y8 (2009-2011) | Detection and location of non-volcanic tremor in the New Madrid Seismic Zone |
DOI | |
Y8 (2013-2014) | Passive-Source Guided Wave Study along the San Andreas Fault in San Gorgonio Pass, California |
DOI | |
Y8 (2016-2021) | Monitoring Entiat Earthquakes in Chelan County, Washington |
DOI | |
Y8 (2022-2026) | AdriaArray Temporary Network: Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine |
— | DOI |
Y9 (2007-2008) | Tocopilla |
DOI | |
Y9 (2009-2014) | Guerrero Gap Experiment (Mexico) |
DOI | |
Y9 (2016-2019) | Rapid response for fairview aftershock in Oklahoma |
DOI | |
Y9 (2020-2021) | Vestnesa Ridge |
— | DOI |
Y9 (2022-2025) | Amplify EGS Monitoring Network | — | DOI | |
YA (1998-2000) | Crustal Structure of Coso Geothermal Field, California | DOI | ||
YA (2001-2001) | Bhuj Aftershock Study | — | ||
YA (2003-2004) | Collaborative research in Eastern Tibet: Evolution and dynamics of the crust and mantle, and surface topography. | DOI |
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