International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
3H (2010-2010) INGV Temporary Seismic Network for Fermo and Macerata area 2010 (Central Italy) DOI
3H (2011-2013) OSISEC : Seismological Observation of the Ecuadorian Subduction Zone
3H (2014-2015) Crustal Seismicity along for the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone
  • GEOMAR, Germany
3H (2016-2016) Renland
3H (2017-2017) Indian Heaven 2017
  • University of Arizona, United States of America
United States of America
3H (2018-2020) Monchique
3H (2021-2021) Shasta21 DOI
3H (2022-2022) Rainier_2022
  • University of Oregon, United States of America
3H (2023-2024) An Open Access Experiment to Seismically Image Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction
3J (2011-2012) Deep OCean Test ARray DOCTAR (OBS part)
3J (2013-2015) HIRE-II
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
3J (2016-2018) Broadband Array in Longmenshan Seismic Gap
3J (2019-2019) RAMP deployment of 3C nodal for July Searles Valley 2019 Earthquake
  • UC Santa Barbara, United States of America
3J (2021-2022) Basal conditions of Malaspina Glacier
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks
3J (2023-2025) Interactions between the Tonga-Lau subduction system and the Samoan plume
3K (2014-2015) Acehseis
3K (2016-2019) TROODOS: Tomography and Receiver function Observations of an Ophiolite using Data Obtained from Seismology
  • Imperial College London, United Kingdom
3K (2021-2021) Noise Field Characterisation at UCD Campus
3K (2022-2022) Sao Jorge 2022
3K (2023-2025) MOSAICMO Seismic Network in Molise-Sannio region, Italy
3L (2010-2023) Testing of the effectiveness of incorporating seismic data in seismic hazard assessment within a traditional field course
  • University of Indiana
3M (2013-2016) Australia-Indonesia Tectonics Observatory 2013-2016
3M (2018-2022) Gebze Technical University
3M (2023-2023) La Jencia Fault Zone Preliminary data collection
  • NMT
3N (2018-2018) Charleston land streamer 2018
3N (2019-2021) Permasense
3N (2022-2022) Paleovalley ICDP site survey (resubmission for NSF)
  • University of Oklahoma (OU), United States of America
3N (2023-2024) North York Moors Array
  • University of Oxford, United Kingdom
3O (2019-2020) AKIMBA
3O (2022-2022) Fluvial morphology and urban karst development in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH
  • University of Cincinnati
3P (2017-2021) Theistareykir monitoring network DOI
3P (2022-2024) Fault zone hydrogeological response to earthquakes
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
3Q (2019-2019) Dublin pilot test train experiment, phase 1 DOI
3Q (2021-2021) Dublin pilot test train experiment, phase 2 DOI
3Q (2024-2027) INGV SISMIKO Emergency Seismic Network for Pietrapaola Sequence 2024 (Southern Italy)
3R (2018-2021) Kongsberg experiment DOI
3R (2022-2025) Collaborative research: A better understanding of seismic hazard in Tehuantepec, Mexico, using amphibious MT studies
3S (2018-2019) Archimedes DOI
3S (2021-2022) Monte Cotugno Reservoir Seismic Experiment DOI
3S (2023-2024) Jotul Vent Field Seismic Network (Knipovich Ridge)
  • Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany
3T (2013-2018) Temporal network Tungurahua
  • Escuela Politecnica Nacional-Instituto Geofisico, Chile
3T (2019-2019) France 2019, Preliminary campaign at DARE project: Temporary Dense nodal seismic array in the Rhône Valley DOI
3T (2020-2026) Einstein Telescope Seismic Campaigns
3U (2018-2019) Hawkes Bay SSE experiment
  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (LDEO), United States of America
3U (2021-2022) Domo de San Pedro BB DOI
3U (2023-2023) Potsdam-Ferch, global DAS campaign 2023 DOI
3V (2019-2021) Monitoring water flow in karst using passive seismic ‘listening’
3V (2022-2028) Onshore seismic network of the Integrated Deep-Ocean Observing System (IDOOS) at the Atacama seismic gap in northern Chile DOI
3W (2022-2023) Peace River Induced Seismic Monitoring
  • University of Alberta, Canada
3X (2022-2022) Curnamona Cube MT & Passive Seismic Array DOI

Network Data API

The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.