International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
YS (2024-2025) DAS monitoring of geohazards and environmental hazards project
  • Penn State University
Y7 (2020-2021) DARE: Dense ARray for seismic site effect Estimation DOI
Y4 (2017-2019) DanSeis infrastructure installation project Southern Scandinavia
  • GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark
YI (2011-2014) DAFNE
Y1 (2018-2021) Crust and mantle structure and the expression of extension in the Turkana Depression of Kenya and Ethiopia
  • Tulane University (TU), United States of America
YA (1998-2000) Crustal Structure of Coso Geothermal Field, California
YZ (2008-2008) Crater Lake 2008
Y3 (2011-2011) Cornell-USGS Virgina Aftershock iMaging exPeriment
  • Cornell University, United States of America
YU (2019-2026) Cornell University Earth Source Heat seismic network
  • Cornell University, United States of America
YK (2000-2002) Coordinated Seismic Experiment in the Azores
  • Eidgendssisch Technische Hochschule - Swiss Seismological Service (ETH), Switzerland
YL (2005-2008) Continental lithospheric deformation along a major strike-slip fault zone: the central North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
  • University of Arizona, United States of America
YB (2013-2015) Continental Dynamics/Central Anatolian Tectonics: Surface to mantle dynamics during collision to escape
  • University of Missouri (MU), United States of America
Y6 (2019-2019) Community, Arts, and Environmental Setting of Fly Geyser, Nevada
YM (2004-2005) Columbia Glacier Passive Seismic Experiment
YP (2009-2011) Collaborative Research: Northeast China Extended Seismic Array: Deep subduction, mantle dynamics and lithospheric evolution beneath Northeast China
  • Rice University, United States of America
YA (2003-2004) Collaborative research in Eastern Tibet: Evolution and dynamics of the crust and mantle, and surface topography.
Y2 (2007-2011) Collaborative Research: Imaging the Upper Mantle Beneath the Western Tibetan Plateau
  • Rutgers University, United States of America
YG (2012-2012) Collaborative Research: Imaging the Cascadia subduction zone - a ship-to-shore opportunity
  • Oregon State University (OSU), United States of America
Y3 (2009-2010) Collaborative Research: Constraining Mantle Rheology, Mantle Flow, and Crust/Mantle coupling Beneath New Zealand
  • University of Colorado Boulder (CU), United States of America
YP (2012-2013) CIFALPS
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
YB (2000-2001) Central Zagros 2001 transect
YM (2000-2001) Central North Island Passive Seismic Exp
  • None,
YB (2004-2004) Cavola a Broadband Dense Array on a Landslide
YG (2005-2007) Carpathian Basins Project Regional Array
YU (2016-2018) Caribbean-Merida Andes Experiment
  • Rice University, United States of America
Y6 (2023-2026) CAREER: A comprehensive seismic investigation to the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the South Pole, East Antarctica
  • Stony Brook University
YF (2010-2011) Carboneras Fault Experiment
  • University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
YW (2002-2004) Cape Verde Mantle Structure
  • University of Bristol, United Kingdom
YZ (2023-2023) Canary Islands seismic monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (CANDAS) DOI
Y5 (2006-2018) Canadian Rockies and Alberta Network
  • University of Alberta, Canada
YH (2020-2020) Calibration of a distributed acoustic sensing platform for measuring snow depths
  • Harvard University, United States of America
YD (2003-2006) Calabria-Appennine-Tyrrhenian/Subduction-Collision-Accretion Network
YO (2003-2006) Broadband Tomography Under Costa Rica and Nicaragua
YB (1998-1999) Broad Band Array Study in South Africa
Y4 (2013-2013) Brazilian Temporary Seismographic Experiments
  • Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
YZ (2005-2007) Boina Broadband Network
  • Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
YB (1996-1997) Black Thunder Mine
YG (2015-2015) Blackburn Nodal Array DOI
YA (2001-2001) Bhuj Aftershock Study
YV (2010-2010) Bering Glacier Surge Seismic Experiment
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America
Y6 (2006-2012) Behavior of supraglacial lakes and their role in outlet glacier dynamics and mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), United States of America
YB (2009-2009) Batholiths Controlled Source
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), United States of America
YZ (2003-2003) Bardwell, KY Aftershock Deployment
  • University of Memphis, CERI, United States of America
Y2 (2013-2013) Balcombe
  • University of Bristol, United Kingdom
YA (2017-2019) Back-arc rifting in New Zealand
  • Tulane University (TU), United States of America
YR (2016-2017) Armatrice Sequence International
YP (2014-2015) Argostoli earthquake aftershock experiment
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
YI (1997-2002) Antarctic Network of Unattended Broadband Seismometers
YR (2021-2021) An Open-Access, OBS Controlled-Source Seismic Dataset Across the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge From Multi-Scale Regional OBS and Focus
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), United States of America
YM (2010-2012) An Integrated Analysis of Low-Frequency Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
  • Michigan Technological University (MTU), United States of America

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